7 Best Practice For Website Design

 Often, it will also be the first thing that people in your target audience see, and web design is a big part of whether or not that first impression is a good one. Visitors to your site will often make snap judgments about your business in the first few seconds they are there. The design of your site can be a big part of whether they stay long enough to see what you have to offer.

The way your website looks also affects how people use it. It helps them find their way around your site, read your content, and take steps that bring them closer to making a purchase.

So, even though web design might seem like a small thing to think about, it's actually an important part of the success of your whole digital marketing strategy. So, on this page, we'll talk about some best practices for website design that you can use to get the most out of your work.

Call us to talk to a strategist about Wonder Web Development services In Reno, or keep reading to find out how you can turn your site into a valuable tool for getting new customers.

1. Make a design that is right for your business.

Even though everyone knows not to judge a book by its cover, most people still judge a business by its website. People's impressions of your business and the quality of your services depend a lot on how your website looks.

If you already have a well-known brand, keeping that brand on your website can help visitors trust you. You want them to see your site and think of your business right away.

From there, the best choice is often a simple, modern design. Users may not read your content as well if your design is too busy, which hurts your chances of getting them to convert.

You should also make sure that your site's design stays the same from page to page. This will give the site a consistent feel and give users a good time.

How else you can use design to improve the look of your site depends on your company's brand and goals, but you can try adding eye-catching photos and videos, focusing on how easy it is to read, or making calls to action that stand out. Your design can affect how people use your site and what actions they take, so it's important to keep those actions in mind as you work out the details of each page.

2. Choose a site that is easy to use

Users need to be able to find the information they want on your site quickly and easily. If they can't get the information they need to make an informed choice, they probably won't convert.

This means that how easy and well-organized your navigation is can be a big part of how well your site does. Most of the time, this means making a horizontal navigation bar with clear categories across the top of the page.

Your navigation should have simple headings that are separated by product type, service, location, or another type of category that makes sense for your business. If you need more categories, you can use the drop-down menus under the headings.

Make sure your categories are set up in a way that makes it easy for people to find the one that has the information they need. Think like your audience and think about what you would look for if you wanted to find out about a product or service.

You can also add useful links to the bottom of your page. People should be able to browse when they get to the bottom of a page. So, they won't have to scroll up and down to find what they're looking for.

Your site's navigation is a big part of why people stay on it and can help them find the information they want and stay interested in what you have to say.

3. Use responsive design

People will visit your website using desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and smartphones, among other things. You need to make sure that everyone can see and use your pages, and responsive design is the best way to do this.

With responsive design, your website will adapt to the browsers and screen sizes that your visitors use. No matter what kind of device someone uses to look at your website, the browsing experience will be the same.

So why does this matter?

When you think about how you use a website, you might notice that there are small buttons and links that are made for a desktop computer. If you make that site smaller to fit on a mobile phone, it might be hard to use those links and buttons. With responsive design, this isn't a problem because the site will change so that it can be used on any device.

It's also important because people spend more time browsing on their phones and tablets than on their desktop computers these days. This means that if your site is only for desktop users, a big chunk of your potential customers will have a bad time on it.

With responsive design, you can be sure that everyone who comes to your site will have a great time. This can make them stay on your site longer, increasing the number of pages they look at and the chances that they'll buy something.

4. Use visual elements

Visual parts of your website add a lot to it. They're what keeps people interested, and pages with graphics and photos are much more interesting to look at than ones with just text.

Adding relevant photos and graphics to your written content is one of the easiest ways to make your site more interesting to look at. These things catch people's attention right away and make them more likely to keep looking at your pages.

It's important that the photos you choose fit in with the content and your brand. If you can help it, don't use stock photos because they can look too generic, but if you have to, they can help make a point.

But photos of your staff, your work, and your products are a better choice. This will give people a real sense of what your business is like. You could also work with a designer to make custom graphics or infographics.

Videos are one of the best types of visual content you can use if you have the money. Putting one on a page can increase sales by 86%! This makes them a great way to improve the performance of your website, keep visitors interested, and get potential customers to spend more time with your content.

In fact, if your site has videos, you are 53 times more likely to show up on the first page of Google results. This is because most people stay on a site longer to watch a video than to read text.

5. Make sure it's easy to read.

Readability is a part of web design that is often overlooked. Even if your website has a lot of great information, if people can't read it, it won't help you reach your marketing goals.

People need to be able to read the information on your website without any trouble. The first step is to make sure that your text color and background color are very different from each other. This will make your text easy to read and stand out.

Font is another important part of being easy to read. Your choice of font has a big effect on how easy your content is to read and scan, so it's important to use a clean, easy-to-read one.

Even though "fun" fonts can be tempting, they are often hard to read. Keep your body copy simple and only use fancy fonts for titles and headings.

Still, it's best to use no more than two or three different fonts. If you use too many different fonts on your website, it can look cluttered and unappealing. By choosing only a few things, you can make the room look clean and put together.

You should also make sure that every font you use is big enough to read. If the font is too small, users will leave.

Your website's readability can have a big effect on how people use it. It's also easy to fix, so if your site is hard to read, making a few quick changes could make a big difference.

6. Include social media buttons

Social media is probably a part of how you market your business, and putting social buttons on your site is a simple way to get people to follow you. You can add them to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and any other platform you use.

It is easy to add social buttons to your design. You can put them in your header, footer, navigation, or just about anywhere else you think they make sense.

By putting these buttons on your site, you make it easy for people to find your social profiles and connect with you on different platforms. If they like what they see on your page, they can sign up to get updates, which makes it more likely that they'll come back to your site later.

If you have a blog or regularly post new content, you might also want to add share buttons that make it easy for people to share your content on their social media accounts. The more likely they are to tweet or post an article, the easier it is for them to do so.

This is an easy thing to add to your design, but it works. You can help spread the word about your business on social media and reach more potential customers.

7. Write strong requests to take action

Your CTAs, or "calls to action," tell visitors what to do next to become customers.

Even if a visitor found one of your pages helpful, they will probably leave when they get to the end. The only time this isn't true is when there's a clear direction that's in their best interests.

By putting a relevant call to action (CTA) on each page, you tell visitors what they should do next. You tell them to go to a different page, join an email list, or call your business. This gives your business the power to point your leads in the right direction.

CTAs are a must if you want visitors to become customers. Just adding one to each page can increase the number of people who buy from you and make your site a more useful tool for your business.

Even if a CTA isn't meant to make a sale right away, sending a user to another page will make them stay on your site longer. The more interested they are, the more likely they are to buy from you in the future.

You can be creative with your calls to action, especially in terms of how they look. You can make buttons that stand out and make people want to click on them by being creative. This is a small part of the puzzle, but it can make a big difference in how well your site converts visitors into sales.

We don't want to tell you about the work we do. Instead, we want to SHOW you.

WebFX can give you a design you'll love.

WebFX can help you start making the website of your dreams if you are ready to do so. We are a full-service digital marketing company that has been making beautiful websites for clients for years.

Our designers, some of whom have won awards, will make a site that is powerful and useful and fits the needs of your business. And if you just want a simple site quickly, our RainmakerFX plans are made to give you a beautiful site in 30 days.

We also do traditional web design if you want a site that is fully customized and up-to-date. We'll make a custom website for you that fits your needs and is made to teach and convert qualified leads.

We work hard to get results, and because of that, we've helped our clients make more than $3 billion in sales and get 7.8 million leads so far.

Just ask our clients! Check out our more than 785 client testimonials from different industries to see what it's like to work with a top web design company like WebFX!

Start right away.

Ready to start making a site for your business that really works? To talk to a strategist, you can contact Reno web designer online or call us right now.

We can't wait to help your business reach new heights.


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